• Every Super Pet success starts with a story— what’s yours?

  • These featured Super Pets stories are testimonials from long-time customers who are some of our best brand ambassadors. They wholeheartedly embraced Right:Ratio as an approach to their pet’s serious conditions and continued that path for years. See and hear from pet parents about their pet’s experience when they’ve gone all-in on Right:Ratio for natural cannabinoid wellness.

  • Axel, George and Marcus

    First there was Marcus, then George the adorable pug, then Axel his new companion. Each of these loveable pups has a unique condition each has found relief with their custom cannabinoid tincture, starting in February 2019. We love Rani’s story and her pack!

  • Bentley’s Story

    Bentley was just 2.5 years old when he was diagnosed with large cell lymphoma. After surgery to remove a tumor in his colon, Bentley’s pet parents told the Right:Ratio team that “the plan is also to do Chemo but [the oncologists] are not giving us much hope – maybe 4 months.” Bentley’s road to wellness, including the first few steps, is amazing and told by his owner, Linda.

  • Snoopy’s Story

    Snoopy presented a complex medical case involving a probable vascular tumor on this charming Beagle’s liver. Watch what happens to this amazing pup who started his Right:Ratio as a senior pup and used it through end of life. His pet parents reported it was an amazing transition and thanked Right:Ratio for almost two additional high quality years with Snoopy, a Right:Ratio pioneer and an amazing companion for Amanda, Joe and Buddy.

  • Bowie’s Story

    Find out why vets called Bowie “Superman,” and his amazing journey defying the odds of a difficult diagnosis and his own path to natural wellness.

  • Chloe’s Story

    Chloe was a Right:Ratio pioneer and a bit of a local celebrity in her home of Santa Monica, CA. When it looked like she wasn’t going to live to see her 11th birthday, Chloe’s pet parent Laurie started her on Right:Ratio, a path that changed their future together.

Individual results may vary, testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results. All testimonials are from real customers, and may not reflect the typical customer's experience, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. However, these results are meant as a showcase of what these customers have experienced.